Sunday, August 28, 2011

MIxed emotions on the "EPL" life.

Beginning this school year I taught about how summer was like the "Eat Pray Love" life. During the summer I was able to take time off, and become one with me, and also learn about new stuff. But the first two days of school, I realized something that maybe throughout your whole life you live that "EPL" life. Don't people always say, you never stop learning until you die. Well I think they are right. Not just at school do you learn about the school related work, but you also learn important life lessons. So maybe its not necessary to take a year off your life, and travel that world to learn more about yourself. I started to think that maybe all you really need to do,is pay attention to what happens in your life, and learn from the moments that have impacted it. Those moments are usually the ones that end up shaping you into the person that you are. Maybe Liz was right in taking time off to learn about herself, because that is what worked for her, but for others and from what I have seen maybe all you need to do is pay attention to your surroundings. But in one thing I do agree with Liz, to pray you do need to be a religious or sacred place because that is where you are going to be able to achieve the most peace and serenity that you want. After realizing this I'm really not sure how I feel, if you should take time off or not, but I do find it necessary that you do find that "EPL" life, because once you have found it you become a better inside and out.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Living my own "Eat Pray Love"

When I go through life, I want to have the same passion Liz had when she was doing everything, I want to feel like I am giving all of me into the thing that I am doing in that moment, and not just do it half way. That's why when I read the book I knew I had to find the inner peace in myself to be able to complete something or be part of something and be successful in it. But I feel like we can do some things that we help us achieve what we want to. For one I think we should only be thinking of doing of what we are doing in that moment. Just like when we are at school, I think we should only concentrate in school related work, or activities. If we are able to stay are track through that whole day that is only school, work, or something else after we accomplish it we feel satisfied, and we do not leave the place with the frustration that we once had towards it. Then after we are able to accomplish that one thing we are able to move on to other things and also do as well as we did and the thing before. Another important thing to have in life is that passion. Without passion you are not able to do anything. After you have that passion you are able to care more about your life and the things that matter in it. To live my "Eat Pray Love" life I need to also disconnect from my surroundings and think things through. I feel when you disconnect from the world and only concentrate on yourself. When I concentrate on myself I am able to think on what is important and let go of the things that are not necessary in life, just life when Liz took the time to meditate and think things through. My final thing I would do to be able to achieve that life would be to make time for myself and do things that I enjoyed. Just like when Liz took the trip to Italy and did things that she enjoyed those are the things I am going to do. I will set things aside and make time and do something that only brings happiness to me and takes my worries away. I think we have to find our own balance from the inside, so that can portray to what we do in our life. Even though we have to change our lives, after we do that I think we are able to achieve what we want to. We are only to do that by being our own motivation and inspiration, and finding and completing that balance that we all need in our lives to live that "Eat Pray Love" lifestyle.