Monday, June 20, 2011

Italy:"Say it like you EAT it"

Once Liz arrived to Italy she knew that it would be a mouthwatering place. Arriving at Italy Liz wanted to stay somewhere that had a home welcoming feeling but also have the Italian culture. When she found the place that she was going to be staying at the landlord told Liz that "only thing in life that is permanent is family." This to Liz felt really ironic because she had been married with some she taught was her going to be part of her family but ended up divorcing him. But then she taught of all the people that were there for her after the divorce, and she knew that they were "family" even though they were just friends because they had stuck with her through the hard times. Liz also being in Italy taught it would be best to expand her Italian especially since she had been learning for the last couple of months. The guy that Liz ended up picking was by a bulletin board. His name was Giovanni. Liz once she meets him fell in "love" with him. At first she loved being with him, since she was practicing her Italian, but then has the time went on she kept on thinking if it was good that at her age she should be involved with someone that was much younger than her. So Liz decided it would be better to be enrolled in a class, and she loved going to the class. The building was old but it had such a beauty to it that made her love it. After being in Italy for about two weeks Liz's depression and loneliness started to catch up with her. As the days went by she kept on telling depression and the loneliness to go away but they never really did they always seem to be stuck firm by her side. Liz ended up seeing a doctor so she could get prescribed some medication, while taking this for three months they ended up saving her life, because without them she would have not been able to overcome anything. Liz was even told that she may need to take them later on in life just to overcome other things. But she said she did not plan to take them anymore she was going to be able to that with the help of any medication. As the time past by in Italy she knew she needed to make more friends. She became friends with Sofie that later on became to be her best friend. But she also met Luca; Luca was her introduction to real Italian food. By meeting him she discovered the greatness and the passion you could have for eating. Liz and Sofie would travel from city to city to try the specialty of the city. The food in each city had such a wonderful taste to it. But when she was traveling from city to city she also understood that she was on a pursuit for happiness, something that she had not had in a long time, but that she was able to accomplish there. Once Liz's sister arrives there. She wants to show her everything and show her the food and how great it is. Liz talks about her sister with such great love, even though they went through a whole lot when they were growing up. The food in Italy makes Liz gain weight, but to her that is okay because she feels like she actually lived the Italy experience by eating the food and she also gained cultural knowledge. A week before Liz is ready to leave Italy to go to India she will come back for Christmas, and to repack. As Liz leaves Italy she leaves with gained pounds but also with happiness she has never felt before, and also with knowledge that she had not been living before but now she is. She is able to enjoy life in so many ways, and the living is a wonderful thing in this world even if she is the only one that knows that about her life.

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