Sunday, July 17, 2011

Brilliant writing much...

Before I began reading this book, I did not know what my reviews would be towards it. I was not sure, but after reading this book I knew it was an excellent memoir of a world traveler. Liz managed to engage me in the way she wrote. The way Liz described everything that was going on in her life made it seem relate-able, and also so beautiful. To me it do not seem like a memoir but instead like a journal that I was reading from a close friend, the book had a funny sense to it some what hard to understand but at the same time it was serious because of the things she was going through.  Even though I enjoyed all the parts I have to admit my favorite part was Italy.The way Liz talked about Italy was such with such a passion, and love. Italy to me was the best thing she wrote about even though one of the main themes in the book was god and her guru. I loved that Liz chose Italy because first of all I want to go there, and second of all Liz talked about food. When Liz started to talk about the Italian food, it kinda made me feel like I was there since I'm such a big Italian food eater. I loved the way Liz took the time to describe the food, she was trying at every new city she went to. When Liz talked about how much weight she gained from the food, it made me feel relate-able to her, but to me it was brilliant that she wrote about that because not every writer would feel comfortable talking about gaining weight, and feeling good about. Knowing that she felt comfortable about it told me that she was willing to open up mind and expend into new things. Also even though only concentrated on herself and healing herself Liz manages to engage people into it, even though you are not the one living the experience one on one you feel like you are. Even though the book started depressing it turned into an interesting thing. Turning into such an interesting thing that kind of makes you envy her that you are not that one traveling the word, because who would not like to do that? Forget their problems and just enjoy life  that is what the book said. Would I recommend this book, yes but only to certain people that enjoy something that kind of stops time around you and makes you feel one with the book. Trust me this is one of those books that once you start reading you feel like you do not want to put down, it feels like you are the one living the great life that Liz did. My final thoughts of the book are that I would not change any single thing she wrote about, and that everyone should take a chance to read this book because you never know what you might learn from it, and hands down I give this book a big TEN. Finally I loved the book, and the way she wrote it made me feel like every lesson she learned I also learned, and not only did she find herself, but it made me feel like I found myself. 

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