Monday, July 11, 2011

Indoneisa:36 Tales About the Pursuit of Balance"

As Liz arrives to Bali she remembers how she never has really had a plan in her life, how she does things without thinking about them. But then it hit her that she arrived to Bali without even knowing if the medicine man that she had met almost two years ago would even remember her or would be alive. Liz decides to stay at a hotel where she meets a guy that she quickly becomes friend's with. The guy's name is Mario(well his nickname), her and Mario are quickly compatible because he also shares a passion for Italian just like Liz does, and he also happens to know of the medicine man that Liz wants to go visit. After finding this out Mario and Liz go to the medicine's man house. On her way there she had  mix emotions and did not know what she was going to tell him. Once they arrived there Liz big fear came true, the medicine man did not remember her. It took him awhile to remember her until she said she was a writer that's when his light bulb clicked and he invited her to stay again. Liz will learn from him, and she will teach him English. Liz decided to buy a bike so that she can travel every day to the medicine's man house. Liz there sees how he is able to diagnose everyone that comes inside that house, and how everyone trust him with what he says. The first lesson he teaches Liz is a mediation he tells her to sit in silence and smile, because yoga is too hard and serious, he tells her a smile will bring good energy. The medicine man tells Liz how he came to be a medicine man how at first he wanted to be a painter but after one night he got burned in the arm and his uncle told him how to heal it and it did. After seeing this he knew in the direction he had to go in. While being there the medicine man explains why some people become "sick" on their birthday. He tells her that some people are born in the wrong month or sing and end up becoming bad people or evil. But he also tells her that you can turn your life around by offering something or sacrficing and it will bring your life back to balance. To win the medicine's man wife, Liz makes photocopies of his books to keep them preserve by seeing that Liz did this she is able to see past Liz and see who she really is. One important thing the medicine man lets Liz know is about the Four Brothers.The four brothers symbolize siblings that are with us since the womb. They are their to protect us, and also symbloize the four things we need for happiness; which are inteligence, friendship, strength and poetry. He also lets her know that they are there whenever you need them, and they will escort till your death. Ironic the next day Liz is hit by a bus, and the medicine man recommends her to see a doctor and not him. After going through this, Liz decides to go in search of happiness. She talks to the medicine man about this and he tells her that he knows meditations, one is to go to heaven and one to hell, even though they do not believe in this they do believe in karma, and expalins about the universe and that during the journey you have to be happy. At a brazlian party, Liz meets two guys one named Felipe and the other Ian. The next day Liz starts to imagine a romance with Ian, but this only reminded her about David and what could have been, and her final taughts were Felipe. Liz has dinner with Felipe for entire whole week, and starts to develop feelings towards him. She talks about the great qualities he has. After sleeping with Felipe, Liz decides to look at Bali in an "American" way, with her deported friend. After returning back, she decides to stay with Felipe. When July came it was time to celebrate her birthday, but her firends decided to throw her a traditional Bali party. The clothing she was wearing was beautiful, but like Liz said very mummifying. Even though the party was nothing like she expected it to be it was still the best party she has ever had. Felipe ends up confessing to Liz that he loves her, but does not ask  anything in return of it the only thing he is worried about is how she may react to what he said, and what kind of life he is going to be able to offer her. Liz undecided of what to do, decides based on a dream she has where her guru appeared to her and told her it was time to go out in life and be happy, and enjoy it. After reflecting about her two past years Liz feels good about everything, because everything she went through made her become who she is, and with Felipe on her side they plan to divide their time into business and pleasure. Bringing an ending to her travel around the three "I" countries.

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